Contrary to the popular saying’ “There is no such thing as bad weather, just soft people”. Climatic changes can cause major health issues to the healthiest of people, if not addressed at an early stage. People suffering from respiratory problems should especially be cautious and should be well prepared in the advent of a climate...
Respiratory Issues Arising Due to the Current Monsoon Climate
Infant Care: Infant Warmers and Incubators
In any neonatal intensive care unit, the presence of an infant radiant warmer and incubator and ventilator is a necessity. These devices are essential for proper care of newborn infants, especially in the case of premature babies and babies with health complications. Newborn infants are unable to regulate their body temperature and are at risk...
Obesity: Overcome the Epidemic
Obesity is an epidemic that is affecting more people everyday. In India alone, obesity affects 20 million women and 9.8 million men. It is expected that by 2025, 17 million children will suffer from obesity.
How to Manage High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure poses significant health risks. Once diagnosed, there are changes you can make in your lifestyle that can help reduce your blood pressure and maintain it at healthy levels.
Premature Infant Care
Caring for premature babies requires a lot more attention on their nurturing, to allow them to grow and develop in the same way as a regular infant.
30 million Diabetics in India are women – Act to change
14th of November is celebrated worldwide as Word Diabetes Day and this year we are focusing on on Women and Diabetes. Why, do you wonder? 1 in 7 births is affected by Gestational Diabetes. There are ~200 million women around the world living with Diabetes and with India being the Diabetes Capital of the World, the number of women in India living undiagnosed is even higher. In a population of 1.2 billion, women contribute to around 30 million Diabetics! It’s a staggering number but isn’t surprising considering the lifestyle Indian women adopt.