
It is no more a secret that hospital acquired infections are on the rise. With thermometers being the most commonly used equipment, we at BPL take every step to ensure that no infection is passed on through contact. thermometers are non-contact thermometers which help you measure the temperature from forehead or ear without coming in contact with the skin.

  • BPL Accudigit Dual

    A dual-mode infrared thermometer, BPL Accudigit measures temperature from the forehead or the ear. It can display the temperature in both Fahrenhei...

  • IR-D2

    A dual-mode infrared thermometer, BPL Accudigit IR-D2 measures temperature from the forehead or the ear. It can display the temperature in both Fah...

  • BPL Accudigit DT-04

    BPL Medical Technologies bring you a dual mode non-contact infrared thermometer to help you keep your temperature in check during changing seasons....

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