
BPL Medical Technologies Private Limited is a trusted company that provides reliable products and dependable service to its customers. Our products manufactured in an 13485 : 2016 certified facility conform to global standards of quality assurance and best practices. Click on the below tabs to learn more about our products.

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    Air Purifiers

    Air Purifiers

    Did you know that indoor air contains 4x more pollutants than outdoor air? The air you breathe is filled with cigarette smoke, pet hair, TVOC and other indoor p...

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    Aneroid Sphygmomanometer

    Aneroid Sphygmomanometer

    BPL Aneroid Sphygmomanometers are safe, sharply engraved and are clincially accurate to be used in point of care environments. Most Mercury Sphygmomanometers co...

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    BP Monitors

    BP Monitors

    About 51% of strokes worldwide are caused by High blood pressure. According to WHO, 1 in every 3 Indian suffers from Blood Pressure related conditions and hence...

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    CPAP, BiPAP & accessories

    CPAP, BiPAP & accessories

    CPAP and BIPAP are the solutions for Respiratory ailments such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea(OSA).

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    Foetal Doppler

    Foetal Doppler

    Foetal Heart Rate Monitor or foetal Doppler machine is a handheld ultrasound monitor used to hear an embryo’s heartbeat. The Foetal Doppler machine emits ultr...

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    WHO says that India has an estimated 15-20 million asthmatics. With the levels of indoor allergens constantly increasing, the prevalence of asthma is constantly...

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    Pain Management

    Pain Management

    Pain is an unpleasant feeling or discomfort caused by injury, illness or emotional disorder. Pain can be differentiated into two basic types including: Acute Pa...

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    Pulse Oximeters

    Pulse Oximeters

    Pulse oximeters can help you monitor the oxygen saturation of hemoglobin in the arterial blood non invasively. Measuring oxygen saturation is as important as me...

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    It is no more a secret that hospital acquired infections are on the rise. With thermometers being the most commonly used equipment, we at BPL take every step to...

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    Weighing Scales

    Weighing Scales

    Did you know that 16% of babies born globally have low birthweight and half of world’s infants are not weighed at birth? These are real-world issues making ac...

Business Enquiry

BPL products and devices offer cutting-edge transformational medical technologies through years of research and experience. Please reach out to us and we will collaborate with you to enhance your operations and introduce you to the world of BPL excellence.